One of the advantages to owning a Reston home is the protective covenants included in the Reston Deed of Dedication. When you purchased your property, you agreed to comply with the property covenants to help to maintain the design standard that was established for Reston properties.
A DRB application must be completed in advance of making changes to the exterior of your home. The Design Review Board (DRB) is an independent agency of Reston Association responsible for reviewing exterior alterations/improvements of properties within Reston Association. Timberview Board is happy to help you complete DRB Applications prior to your project.
As Timberview grew, so did the Bylaws, Covenants and Architectural Standards. These documents are your covenant with your neighbors to protect property values and promote community harmony.
The Bylaws define how the Association is run.
The Covenants are a promise that each homeowner makes with his neighbors to abide by the rules to help maintain property values and enjoyment of all residents.
The Covenants are the “GOLDEN RULES” in Timberview
The following is not an exhaustive list. .
Maintain your property
Garbage cans must be stored out of sight of the street and your neighbors except for pick-up day. Trash cans must be removed from street promptly after pickup.
Dogs must be on leash and kept quiet. Curb your pets, it’s the law.